88 Cups Of Tea With Yin Chang

MAGGIE SHEN KING: Linear Writing & The Benefits of Multiple Writing Groups



In today’s new episode, we have Maggie Shen King, author of "An Excess Male". In her novel,she explores the marriage plot in a dystopian future and follows in the footsteps of Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”. It’s the story of one excess male, the less-than-perfect family he seeks to join, and the fight for their version of home, for the freedom to be their true selves, and for the country they have lost to a totalitarian regime that aims to control sex and define the boundaries of marriage in the name of the public good. I’ve been really looking forward to this conversation with Maggie as her story is inspired by actual statistics. China’s One Child Policy was originally implemented to control overpopulation and according to stats, by the year 2030, China will have unintentionally created a society which more than 25% of men in their late thirties will never have married. In our discussion, Maggie shares more insight into China’s One Child Policy, one of the most radical social experiments in history