Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 192: Jonathan Jones – Speak Your Success



How can your example of chasing your dreams help someone else? It all comes down to the motivation we feel when we see someone else overcome challenges and succeed. My guest is here to tell us why the world needs YOUR success! Jonathan Jones is a social entrepreneur, best-selling author, and TEDx speaker. Jonathan serves and supports students and millennial entrepreneurs who believe in self-investing, monetizing their message, and leaving a legacy. He has been featured on CBS News and has spoken to thousands of students ranging from elementary school to college. Jonathan is the host of the Speak Your Success podcast and the author of Process: 14 Surprisingly Simple Behaviors to Skyrocket Millennials to Success. Dream it and obtain it! Are your dreams unreachable? Jonathan would absolutely say NO! His message to students is, “If your dream is big enough for you to dream it, then there’s a way for you to obtain it!” He teaches that God doesn’t give us dreams and desires without the abilities AND capabilities to