Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 190: Jake Heilbrunn – Finding Fulfillment Through The Road Less Traveled



Sometimes chasing your dream requires you to walk away from the path you thought was laid out before you and make a leap and take a risk. If you allow others to tell you what’s right for your life, then chances are that you’ll encounter anxiety. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re talking to someone who has learned how to find peace and purpose in life. Jake Heilbrunn is a TEDx speaker and bestselling author of Off the Beaten Trail, endorsed by multiple NYT bestsellers. He has spoken across the US and internationally to 12,000+ people about replacing anxiety with purpose and creating a career you love. He is the co-founder of The Idea Collective, which helps thought leaders get their message out through speaking engagements and TEDx talks. Conquering anxiety When do you experience anxiety? When Jake went to college at age 18, he broke out with hives and rashes due to severe anxiety. Doctors couldn’t help, and he became depressed and questioned everything about his life. Jake left school with a ba