Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 44: Brian Drury – Overcoming Graduation to Chase Your Dreams



Brian Drury is an avid traveler with an extensive travel log covering more than 16 countries. In addition to his globe-trotting adventures, Brian is a coach and motivator who is focused on helping others get exciting results through his coaching program. His goal is to show young adults that they can create the life of their dreams by changing their thinking and taking action outside the box. In this chat with Aimee J., Brian discusses how he found his true purpose in life and why that helped him to become the owner of his happiness. He also shares how he helps others do the same through his business, (Overcome Graduation, LLC). TWEET: Tips to help you #overcome #graduation so you can chase your #dreams What impact do you want to make on the world?From a young age, Brian knew what his story should be. Go to school, get good grades, go on to college, get good grades, and then land a great job. That’s what he thought his life should be. But Brian realized there was one pretty si