Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 41: Law Blank – Making Your Passion for Art a Career



Law Blank wanted to be an artist for as long as he can remember. He was creating from the age of 2 and art was a part of his daily life. Law worked in mediums like chalk, pencil and even dirt as a child, finding his voice and honing his craft through the years. Today, Law enjoys success as an artist and balances it all with a busy day job and family. In this chat with Law, Aimee J. explores his passion, purpose, and dedication to art, as well as how he found success as an artist shown in galleries around the world. TWEET: How to turn your passion into a career, on today’s episode of #ChasingDreams Chasing your dreams in spite of negativity around you.When you find your purpose and passion, it’s likely that you’ll hear a lot of negative voices around you. Law discusses how he dealt with negativity and how it actually inspired him to pursue his dreams rather than give up on them. He shares why the negativity didn’t dissuade him at all from chasing his dream of being an artist and why he gained strength from it