Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 38: Michael Russo – Making Notes on Quotes Cool and Easy



Michael Russo is at the time of this recording a full time college student and founder of Sticky Quotes, which we’ll talk about more later in this episode. Michael is double majoring in Business Management and Philosophy and is very active on campus, serving as President of the Entrepreneurship Club. One of his goals is to one day find a company in the clean/renewable energy industry that helps save the planet! He’s already saving the planet with his positive attitude and sticky quotes business, please welcome Mike to the show. TWEET: Learning what U don’t like 2 do is just as valuable as learning what U do like 2 do ~ Michael Russo A high school entrepreneurial club project that went big.Michael Russo was the very first student who signed up to participate in his high school’s new entrepreneur’s club. You could say the club itself was a startup. It was out of his experience as part of that club that his mentor encouraged him to take what seemed like a silly idea and make it into a business. That’s how S