Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 33: Carrie Olsen – Voicing Your Dreams Come True



When it comes to following your dreams, (Carrie Olsen) is a true inspiration. From a young age, Carrie listened to cartoons and was drawn to the process of voicing those characters. In her career in human resources, Carrie found herself voicing online trainings and truly tapping into a passion. From there, she pursued voiceover work and eventually made it a lucrative full time career. Carrie shares with Aimee what it’s like to connect to your passion and go after it with everything you’ve got. From the hard work to the rewards you reap, she shares why it’s all worth it to do what you love. TWEET: Finding your passion and pursuing it with everything you’ve got, on this episode of #ChasingDreams Being aware of your limitations while trying to expand your range.Voiceover artists work hard - and they don’t just “talk” for a living. Carrie shares why being a voiceover artist takes much more than just your voice to be successful. She discusses how she learned about the industry and immersed