Birds And Bees Podcast

Intro Al Vernacchio Interview Rocky Mountain Sex Summit



speaks with Braxton about his upcoming presentation in Salt Lake City at . on September 23, 2017. Al discusses the content he plans on presenting in Utah. His topics include: moving away from the Baseball model to describe sexual experience moving toward a more inclusive model for sexual experience involving ... Pizza?? No more "Who's on first" confusion. His pizza model is really cool for parents with teens. Al explores his approach to presenting and addresses how he plan on addressing parent and teen's concerns about sexuality. He continues on with an exclusive interview with Birds and Bees Podcast. That interview is available to those who sign up for The Rocky Mountain Sex Summit. Don't miss out on the exclusive interview and the amazing information Al will be teaching this year, Use the promo code braxambass2017 for a discount on the already low early bird prices. Al will be hosting an "Ask Al Anything" event at the Rocky Mountain Sex Summit. He will be present to answer any question you have sexuality,