Within The Trenches

Within the Trenches Ep 32



Within the Trenches is back with episode 32! This episode was recorded at the National NENA Conference and Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking with Nathan, President/Founder of the Denise Amber Lee Foundation, April, the Michigan NENA President, and Brian with DU-COMM out of DuPage County Illinois. Now, out of all the sessions that were given at this conference I wanted more than anything to attend this one. The session was about 9-1-1 training standards and although it might not sound appealing it highlighted a very important story. The story of Denise Amber Lee is one that everyone should know and learn from. It is because of her story and others that 9-1-1 standards are needed. Nathan is the President and founder of the foundation that is named after his wife and his mission is to see that standards are developed and put into place. According to the foundations official website, it is the mission, “to promote and support publi