Pt Inquest

091 Predicting PT Outcomes for Shoulder Pain



Can we predict which shoulder patients will get better with physical therapy? How much does the psychology of the patient play into their response? Does it have anything to do with the actual treatment provided by the therapist or were these patients going to get better no matter what? Is JW actually DYNOMIIIITE!!!!! Hip Psychological factors are associated with the outcome of physiotherapy for people with shoulder pain: a multicentre longitudinal cohort study. Chester R, Jerosch-Herold C, Lewis J, Shepstone L. Br J Sports Med. 2016 Jul 21. pii: bjsports-2016-096084. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096084. [Epub ahead of print] Open Access at the time of release Due to copyright laws, unless the article is open source we cannot legally post the PDF on the website for the world to download at will. That said, if you are having difficulty obtaining an article, contact us. Music for PT Inquest: "The Science of Selling Yourself Short" by Less Than Jake Used by Permission