New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

111: The Biggest Threat to your Financial Future - Discussing Social Security with RJ Renza



[TweetThis] If you think Social Security is going to be there for you when you retire, think again! You still have to pay into it though! Make sense? On this episode we are talking to RJ Renza, an author and concerned school teacher, who says that the biggest financial threat that Millennials and other recent generations are facing is the Social Security debacle.  Every time you earn a paycheck, the government steals money from you to fund it's ponzi scheme, otherwise noted as Social Security. Many of us have no idea how much money being taken from us every time we get paid yet, if you "pay into the system" today there is a very good chance you will not see a penny of this money in your lifetime. RJ Renza explains why in today's discussion.    Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR110