New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

089: The Minimum Wage Should Be Abolished



Do you think the Minimum Wage hurts people or helps people, more? #NewClassRising #089 w/ @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Oh I can already tell that this is going to be one of those controversial shows where I may even lose some listeners. It's unfortunate but I will never apologize for siding with freedom, siding with economic freedom and siding with the markets. I wasn't always against the minimum wage. However, when I did realize that the minimum wage was a horrible law, it was not because I thought that it was taking more profits out of the pockets of business owners or even that there was no way the government could possibly know how much the price of labor should be. No, it was because I realized that the Minimum  Wage law hurt the poorest and most vulnerable people (those who do not have skills) among us, and in many cases set them up for a life of stagnant wages without the ability to move upward.  There are obviously two sides of the debate here. Those that are for the minimum wage, and an even higher mi