New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

074: Don’t We Have a Free-Market Economy in the U.S?



A true free-market is the most important component of personal and economic freedom #NewClassRising [TweetThis] A few weeks back a friend  asked me "Isn't htat United States a free-market?" To those of us who study this on an almost daily basis, we knoe the answer. Many people however do not, and I totally get it.  On this episode, we discuss exactly that! Do we have a free-market economy?   Show Highlights What is a Free Market Economy? What are the 2 most important components of having a Free-Market? Is having a Free-Market important or can we get by with a 'somewhat" free-market? Is the United States a Free-Market or not?   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!