New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

071: Your Student Loan Debt Could Be Wiped Out if you Do this One Thing!



We have a massive Student Loan Debt bubble and the bubble will not be pricked until we have a collapse of the U.S Dollar #NewClassRising [TweetThis] According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, as of Q4 of 2014, outstanding student loan debt numbers over $1.3 Trillion. President Lyndon B Johnson started it all in 1965. President Barack Obama made it worse in 2010 and tried to "ease" the student loan debt problem. Apparently that wasn't enough and if Obama gets his way, pretty soon you'll be able to get rid of your student loan debt if you do this one thing!   Reference: 1965 U.S Census    Show Highlights Why the Higher Education Act of 1965 started the student loan debt mess we're in today. How student loan debt has nearly triple since 2006. Why this student loan debt bubble will not burst until a dollar collapse. How the Government intervention in higher education and now easier debt discharges have created a moral hazzard. How you may be able to get discharge student loan debt, soon.   Hit Me Up Twttr