New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

067: The New Class Rising Mastermind is Here!



The New Class Rising Mastermind with @Hector_Avellan, the next community of elite Entrepreneurs, is here! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] That's right! The next elite community of successful internet entrepreneurs is here and I am super-duper pumped to be bringing it to you, today!  If there is one thing i have come to learn is that some of the most important things to have on the road to becoming an entrepreneur are Guidance and the right Support Network - your very own Board of Directors, if you will. That is why today I am announcing the New Class Rising Mastermind and am launching the application process.  Are you ready to join the New Class Rising Mastermind? Listen to today's episode to get details on what to expect, who is it for and submission deadlines, among other things. Show Highlights What is a Mastermind? Why I am starting the New Class Rising Mastermind? What is the New Class Rising Mastermind? What to expect from joining this Mastermind? Who is the New Class Rising Mastermind, for?   Fill out yo