New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

057: Eric Ramirez: A Revolutionary Kickstarter Campaign for the Gamer Inside You



Here is a Kickstarter campaign that is about to revolutionize the way we do gaming! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] It is often the case that if you hear an entrepreneur sharing their story on podcast or perhaps on a blog post, they've already reached a certain level of success and you are getting their perspective looking back on their journey. All of that is great stuff, but it is also important to capture the stories of entrepreneurs who perhaps haven't had that success just yet and how are starting on their journey, but who are doing amazing things to change the world. On today's show we are talking to Eric Ramirez, co-founder of Hydrix. Eric and his team recently launched a Kickstarter to fund their project which is poised to change the world. Hydrix - Any Console. Any Game. Any Time. is getting ready to revolutionize gaming! [TweetThis] He's got a very exciting product and I think you're going to love his story and what drove him and his team to create Hydrix.   Show Highlights What is Hydrix? Why Hydrix i