New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

056: Justin Mohr: Defending the Free Market and Making the Moral Case for Capitalism



Govnt claims to help the poor from the forces of the free-market, but in reality its policies have resulted in more poverty! #NewClassRising [TweetThis]  On today's show we are having an economics talk. You've often heard me say that today we are living in one of the worst economies for the middle class and that in fact, today's middle class is worse off than that they were prior to the Great Recession.  Today's guest shares his economic expertise and shares his thoughts on our Economy here at home and how you can safeguard yourself from a coming economic crisis. Show Highlights Why the Government is creating debt slaves out of college students. The Minimum Wage and its negative impact on the Economy. Why Government Stimulus (Inflation) has made our Economy worse. The Currency that should be a part of your Wealth Portfolio. Can the Federal Reserve really end QE4? Why the Fed is forcing you to spend everything you make.   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: Rate and Revie