New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

050: Top 3 Reasons the Middle-Class Does Not Buy Gold



I've often mentioned on this podcast the importance of owning Gold (and Silver) to protect yourself from the Inflation that is being produced by the Federal Reserve today and to protect yourself from the massive rise in prices that will be coming back to the United States when Governments around the world start dumping their dollars in pursuit of physical and tangible assets. Yet, a larger percentage of the Middle Class does not buy gold or silver. Why? As business owners, we want to make more money. So why is that most are not willing to protect it? [TweetThis] On this episode, I cover the Top 3 Reasons why most Middle-Class Americans and Internet Entrepreneurs do not buy gold. Show Highlights Discussion on Dropbox upgrading me to 1TB of Storage. The 3 Reasons Why the Middle-Class Does not Buy Gold. Gold and Silver Buyer Club - Buy Gold and Silver with me.   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: