New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

049: Does Your Back Have to be Against the Wall to Create Success?



I've ofter heard those stories of entrepreneurs who were grinding it away and struggling to make things happen in their businesses.  Then all of a sudden they were laid-off from their day-job or perhaps the learned they had a baby on the way and all of a sudden they were driven to produce results from a whole different perspective, and then that's when they had their major break-through.  Is that what it takes?   Do we have to have our backs against the wall to be have that major breakthrough in our lives or businesses? [Tweet This] I have my own thoughts on this and in this episode I explain my reasoning.  Show Highlights Why I traded in my fully-loaded 2013 VW Tiguan for a beater car. Why Arnold Schwarzenegger used to cut off his shirts to show off his stomach.    Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: