Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

How to Overcome Resistance-Part I – Mindset



Do you hate change, or do you easily go with the flow?  Do you find yourself resisting implementing even small shifts in how you eat? Some of my clients are happy to make the changes I believe are necessary to have a healthy, peaceful relationship with food and eating, and others are resistant to changing what they’re doing.  The problem is that when you keep doing what you’ve always done, you get the results you always got. If you want to lose weight, you won’t get there by doing what you’ve done in the past that hasn’t worked. So in two episodes this month, we’re looking at resistance to change.  What causes it?  How do you work through it? How does the current pandemic crisis affect it?   We’ll look at how our brains work and how to create new pathways that get us where we want to go.    We’ll explore the two different mindsets that people have, which one makes it easier to succeed at changing your habits, and how to cultivate your mindset.  AND how mindset is tied to the Weight Loss for Foodies approach.