Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

5 Steps to Transform Your Relationship with Food (or anything else!)



If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you’ve heard me say many times that awareness is the ever-important first step in changing your relationship with food and eating, and losing the weight for good.  In this episode, we look not only at the importance of awareness, but at all of five steps along the path of transforming your relationship with food.  These steps apply to changing your relationship with ANYTHING in your life, not just food. We’ll investigate this from the food perspective because this is the Weight Loss for Foodies podcast, after all. We’ll explore taking responsibility for your life, letting go of the past, and more! So join me in learning about the steps on your journey to having a peaceful mind and a peaceful relationship with food and eating.