Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

7 Ways That I Manage Pandemic Anxiety



Have you been having surges of anxiety for the past few weeks? Are you having difficulty falling asleep or waking in the middle of the night? Or just feeling this low level buzz of stress?.  Is your brain swirling with all kinds of thoughts of “what ifs” that you can’t answer? That is what fuels anxiety.  It’s totally normal. Our brains are programmed to protect us, and right now, we’re literally living a SciFi movie.  Our stress response is kicked into high gear. We’re all facing a lot of uncertainty.  The problem is that when we’re in a steady stream of stress, it takes a big toll on us, both physically and mentally. Feeling some stress right now is inevitable, but it is so important to take steps to mitigate its effects.  That’s because chronic stress compromises your body’s immune system, which is the last thing you want to happen right now.  Listen to this week’s podcast to learn 7 things that I do to control pandemic anxiety and stress. Some of these may help you, too!  Don’t forget to take care of your