

Many people find it difficult to eat without distractions.  Despite proclaiming that they love food so much that they can't stop eating before they're stuffed, they don’t want to waste their time actually paying attention to what they’re eating. It’s interesting to think about. If you love the taste of something, why don’t you actually want to taste it? Why do you purposely distract yourself from it?  Learning how to eat consciously is an important skill if you want to enjoy your food and lose weight without dieting.  Mindful eating is ideal and wonderful, but it’s hard to do when you have 15 minutes to eat lunch, or are trying to feed 2 preschoolers while eating your own breakfast.  Because learning to eat without distractions may be the thing my clients struggle with the most, I thought it would be easier to teach people to simply be there with their food and enjoy it, rather than taste every mouthful in a meditative way. Hence, conscious eating was born!  I chose to use the term “conscious eating” for what