Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

How to Really Enjoy Food While Traveling Without Gaining Weight



Nowadays, we’re traveling more often, and not just when we take a summer vacation.  We travel for business. We travel to visit friends and family who are scattered across the country and around the world. We travel for so many reasons. When you travel, how do you eat? Do you eat differently than you do at home?  Do you  eat like it may be your last meal? Do you gain weight when you travel? Listen for some tips on how you can go on a trip, even to the most amazing food cities, and eat the foods you love without overeating them or gaining weight.  Are you ready to finally stop the diet madness, break your old bad eating habits and establish good new ones that will allow you to lose weight without deprivation? Registration is now open for my signature program, Weight Loss for Foodies, which is an online course with live online coaching with me 2-3 times a month. You can go through the materials at your own pace and get personal support for your challenges with food and eating from me at the coaching sessions. Do