

100 Episodes! Thank you so much for listening! If you’ve struggled with food, eating and your weight, you know that there’s  so much more to transitioning from a dysfunctional relationship with food and eating to a peaceful, healthy relationship. I hope you have found the information here helpful in moving you in that direction.  Since I started this podcast, I’ve discussed a wide variety of subjects. Today, I’m going to review three that are the most popular with listeners. Those are: The reasons why you weren’t losing weight How to stay on track to be successful,  The importance of changing your identity with regards to food, eating and your body as a first step on your journey.  Tied up in these topics are our beliefs, and the fact that they can move us towards or away from what we really want in life. In this episode, I list 10 beliefs that can trip you up on the path to food freedom and weight loss.  Help me celebrate 100 episodes by attending my FREE End Emotional Eating Workshop on Jan. 31st!  Learn