Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

How Leisa Overcame a Lifetime of Disordered Eating



Looking back, how old were you when your unhealthy relationship with food and eating began? My first ever podcast guest and Weight Loss for Foodies client, Leisa Hammett, believes her cravings for sugar and disordered eating began when she was a young child, long before she became concerned about her weight.  When I say “disordered eating,” I mean an unhealthy, stressful relationship with food and eating that interferes with your enjoyment of life but that doesn’t rise to the level of an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. Disordered eating is almost always caused by diets and deprivation.  Leisa’s experience with changing her relationship with food and eating, and dropping her extra weight is a great example of why we call this a “weight loss journey.”  In this episode, Leisa talks about the ups and downs during her journey, and how she had the wisdom and tenacity to learn from her mistakes instead of becoming discouraged and giving up.  Listen to hear: how Leisa went from being someone who though