Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

3 Things to Consider When Deciding to Lose Weight



You may be surprised to hear this from a weight coach, but there are lots of things in life that are more important than losing weight.  Lots of things that are more important than what your body looks like. Seriously. If you’re a woman who has grown up in Western culture, you’ve been bombarded with a lifetime of messages that being thin and looking pretty are essential if you want love, success and happiness.  Well, that’s a complete load of crap. It’s a horrible commentary on our screwed up system of values and messaging from the media. For some people, losing weight is their most important goal for the year.  If you’ve recently been diagnosed as diabetic or pre-diabetic,  you had a heart attack or stroke, or your doctor has told you that you’re at risk of having one, then yes, losing weight SHOULD be your top priority. After all, your life is at stake.  For the rest of us, setting reasonable health and fitness goals is a wonderful thing. But before deciding you want to lose weight, listen to this episode,