Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

Why You Shouldn't Focus on a Goal Weight



Are you always focusing on your goal weight? Aiming for a certain number of pounds you want to lose? Is your mood for the day affected by the number on the scale each morning?  If so, how does that feel? Pretty miserable?  That may be why you’re not having much success at unleashing that naturally thin person inside you yet.   Because the more you focus on the number on the scale, the more difficult the process of losing weight is.  You see, that’s going about the process backwards.  When I start working with clients who want to lose weight, I never ask them whether they have a goal weight or how many pounds they want to lose.  I don’t want them focusing on that number because that’s the approach of the failed diet mindset. Focusing on pounds or stones lost does not help you lose weight. All it does is make you feel discouraged and defeated, and encourage you to give up. Listen to learn what people who succeed at permanently losing weight focus on instead of their goal weight, and how you can succeed, too!  H