

What’s the philosophy behind my approach to food, eating and weight? Why did I feel called to become a coach despite being very happy with my fascinating practice as an arbitrator and mediator?  You already know that there are thousands of diets out there. And by diets I mean regimens consisting of temporary approaches to changing how much and what you eat so that you can lose weight, usually as fast as possible.  There are also lots of approaches that claim to be non-diet, or lifestyle approaches. Most of those are also really diets, like Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Paleo, Keto and Intermittent Fasting.  So why am I so passionate about the Weight Loss for Foodies method? Why is it more effective than any of those options? Why can actually make you happier? Hint: it isn't because you'll lose weight. Listen to learn the nine reasons why I feel like an anti-diet evangelist for this program.   I’m going to be opening the doors to my Weight Loss for Foodies group program in early January, so if you want to b