Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

THE Question to Ask When You Want to Eat But Aren't Hungry



Do you associate eating with hunger? Or do you eat for all kinds of other reasons?  The reason we feel hunger is because that is our body’s way of telling us it needs fuel. If we eat when we’re hungry and stop when lightly full, our body gets the amount of food it needs to be a healthy weight. When we do that, we can eat the foods we love without dieting or deprivation and not gain weight But most people don’t eat this way, and that has a lot to do with epidemic levels of overweight and obesity these days.  In our culture, we’re encouraged to eat when we aren't hungry and overeat by many sources, especially companies marketing their food products and family members.  If you want to stop eating for those non-hunger reasons, and stop obsessing over your food choices, I’ve got a simple way to do that.  There’s one question you need to ask yourself when you feel the urge to eat but aren’t hungry.  Listen to learn what that question is and how to apply it to your life.