

I never anticipated doing a podcast on this topic.  My focus as a coach is on teaching foodies : HOW to eat: in tune with your body’s hunger and fullness signals, consciously, savoring your food; and  WHY you eat: when your body needs food, which is when you’re hungry, and not to avoid difficult emotions or dealing with our problems I don’t tell you WHAT to eat. That’s because that’s your body’s job. When you listen to it, your body tells you what to eat. Plus most of you already know about nutrition and want to eat a primarily healthy diet.  But a few listeners have asked how I plan my meals. Given that I want to help you develop a peaceful relationship with food and eating, eating well and enjoying your food is a big part of that. And decent meal planning can help. So here it is!  I try not to be one of those podcasters who spends the first 10 or 15 minutes of each episode talking about myself. You have better things to do with your time. But if you want to know how I plan my meals, you need to know somet