Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

6 Questions to Ask to End Emotional Eating



Have you ever thought about the tiny number of things over which we have actual control? There are so many things in life that go on regardless of us “doing” anything to make them happen. Trees get leaves and plants grow. It rains. The leaves fall off. The earth turns on its axis.  Our bodies do amazing things every minute of every day without us having to direct them. Our hearts beat. We breathe. We don’t have to think, “time to release some gastrin so I have enough acid in my stomach to digest my lunch!”  Yet we waste a lot of energy trying to control the things that we can’t. Like our partner’s behavior, or what other people think and do. Then we allow our inability to control these things make us miserable. The flip side is that we don’t take control over the things in our lives that are within our control!  As a weight loss coach, I see how this seriously interferes with our ability to lose weight and keep it off.  It’s because instead of controlling something that is within our control--how we think--we