Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

Why Listening to Your Body is Essential



It is more important to listen to your body and allow it’s messages to take the lead when it comes to when, what and how much you eat than it is to be at your goal weight.   Does that surprise you?  In our society, there isn’t much emphasis placed on listening to our bodies. The emphasis is on immediate gratification. That’s why obesity is at epidemic proportions. One of the reasons why I believe in the primacy of listening to your body is that being at your goal weight doesn’t necessarily make you happy.  But when you inhabit your body and use its messages for guidance, you achieve happiness and balance in your life.  Isn’t that the point? If your body isn’t happy, you won’t be either.  Listen to learn about your relationship with your body and why it should be your closest advisor regarding what it needs and what you need.   If you want to learn how to listen to your body and eat consciously, grab my free 30 days of Conscious Eating Calendar at the link on my website.