Baikal Nomads Mixtape

Mixtape #183 by FunKamel



FunKamel is the musical project of Moti Landesman & Neria Orbach. The two mix a wide selection of ethnic music flavors, with a strong middle-eastern influence, layered on a variety of electronic styles. FunKamel was formed in the underground scenes of Tel-Aviv and later on, they stepped out from the bubbling city to perform in many colorful gatherings in Israel and around the globe. From the vast deserts of Sinai to the crowded venues of Berlin and much more, Moti and Neria ride on their magic Kamel to displaying their Funky approach towards multi-cultural music around the world. At the Beginning of 2019, Funkamel founded their record label 'Camel Riders Records' with Laorz aka Laroz Camel Rider. Together they have built a big family that showcases constantly a cutting-edge catalog of multiple delightful electronic genres, fused with traditional folk and organic music. Enjoy the ride! Follow & Support Camel Riders Records