Sounds Cool - A Podcast-based Audio Edutainment Series

Episode 1 - A Brief History of Recording Tech Pt. 1



SOUNDS COOL! A podcast-based edutainment series on audio and music recording technology, applications, and theory! Dan wants to learn more about audio production and technology, so that he can help out with the many endeavors that Joe involves him in. On this podcast we'll be focusing on everything from the inception of punch-card music machines to how to blast music into a cassette tape *just right* from someone who is probably under-qualified to talk about those particular subjects. This episode is one of a few parts in which we focus on the history of recording technology, so that we can get up to speed on the modern era. Find out how flute playing robots with (human?) skin on their fingers led to portable music boxes and your favorite wild-west stereotypes! You can find our podcast on Soundcloud and iTunes (here: This is our first attempt at podcasting, so hit "subscribe" and come along with us while we get a feel for the format!