Spiritual Story Telling

Spiritual Story Telling ~ Episode 2 ~ Sophie Bashford



This is the second episode of the Spiritual Story Telling podcast and my guest is Sophie Bashford. Sophie is a spiritual writer and intuitive healer. She candidly shares her journey with us of how she got on to the spiritual path herself. Sophie isn't one to lay blame, point fingers or play the victim, she's all about doing the work, taking charge and owning your power. What a woman! **Please note that these podcasts contain "explicit" language. You can follow Sophie on her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sophiebashfordintuitive or via her website at: http://www.sophiebashford.com/ A bit about me, I was a lawyer for a decade of my life and for the majority of my life I ignored the elephant in the room, all of the signs and nudges from spirit purely out of fear and disbelief, I mean, seriously could what I was experiencing be real? So after finally being brought to my knees and accepting that this stuff was real and it was never going to go away, I knew I needed answers and guidance, and on