Spiritual Story Telling

Spiritual Story Telling ~ Episode 1 Lindsay Marino Psychic Medium



This is the first episode of the Spiritual Story Telling podcast and hopefully it is the first of many to come. I was a lawyer for a decade of my life and for the majority of my life I ignored all of the signs and nudges from spirit out of fear and disbelief, I mean, seriously could what I was experiencing be real? So after finally being brought to my knees and accepting that this stuff was real and it was never going to go away, I knew I needed answers and guidance, and on my journey to get this guidance and answers, I was lucky enough to meet some of the most beautiful hearted teachers and mentors who literally saved me from going crazy. I hope that the questions I ask, and the stories that you hear, help you on your unique and beautiful path. My first guest is Lindsay Marino who is a psychic medium. Lindsay has been my own mentor and I have to say, she is one of the most authentic and beautiful hearted people I have had the pleasure of meeting. I refer to her as an earth angel because her energy is j