Help! I'm Wearing A Suit

Episode 24: Help! It's A Zombie Apocalypse



Help! I'm Wearing A Suit is a weekly chronicle of the enthusiastically haphazard adventures of two regular people and their attempts to live a life less ordinary. ATTENTION. ATTENTION. This is the Emergency Broadcast System. Take Shelter Immediately. This is NOT a drill. National Podcast Security levels have been elevated to severe due to the unexpected release of a deadly virus. Please remain indoors and make sure all doors and windows are secure until further notice. We have been advised that afflicted persons appear to walk slowly with minimal joint movement, their skin appears to show a rapid onset of decay and many seem to be chanting the word "Brains" in unison. As of yet there is no known cure for the disease and all affected should be considered highly dangerous. Stay tuned for further details. BEEP This week we have entered the terrifying world of the Zombie Apocalypse. Will we survive the weekend as we set off in the wilderness in our Bug Out Vehicle and channel our inner "Doomsday Prepper" in