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Joe Sugarman ~ CEO BluBlocker™ Icon of Classic Brand, Marketing Triggers, /Marketing Copywriter for Victoria's Secret™ & Beyond



CEO BluBlocker™ to Victoria's Secret™ Marketing CopywriterAerosmith 's Steven Tyler & Founder Joe Sugarman in Blu Blockers, Chillin in Hawaii CEO BluBlocker™ & Pioneer Direct Marketing Icon, CEO of JS&A Group, Inc, Does the name BluBlocker™ ring a bell?? Victoria's Secret™ ??Joe introduced dozens of new innovations and concepts in electronic products during the '70s & 80's, including the pocket calculator, the digital watch, cordless telephone, computers and a variety of others. He sold a used airplane valued at $190,000 for $240,000 through a single magazine ad.Decades ago, Sugarman's company was the first in the United States to use the 800 toll-free service to take credit card orders over the telephone-- something that direct marketers had never done before. His line of BluBlocker sunglasses, which he sold in direct mailings, mail order ads, catalogs and on TV through infomercials, and the QVC, the Home Shopping Channel.In 2021 BluBlocker™ sunglasses are a Classic Brand, popular & sol