Building Abundant Success!!© With Sabrina-marie

Rick Raddatz ~ Millionaire Business Mogul & Pentanomics- CEO Political Harmony Talks 5 Economies



Microsoft, CEO Founder of Xiosoft & Political HarmonyHe spent Twelve years at Microsoft as product designer, developer and marketer. Seventeen years as an entrepreneur.Twelve years (overlapping) as a political philosopher.Now beginning his fourth career as a political activist (Founder of MISSION: We are working to end the current era of political division and begin a new, more mature political era by promoting a common understanding of the universal laws that govern all aspects of society. ​OUR PLAN: Our plan is to do two things: LEARN and SHARE​(1) LEARN: This movement is all about education. The content in our member's area (available for free) teaches a fundamental truth--that the laws of economics necessarily govern ALL human action, not just private action. And since the laws of economics are perfectly nonpartisan (they are what they are because logic demands it), that gives us a chance to come together right, left and center. ​2) SPREAD THE WORD: If only a few people unde