My Voice With Dara & Friends

"Angry Black Woman" Syndrome



Why Tyler Perry needs to have several seats. I hate that Tyler Perry puts out movies depicting BLACK WOMEN as Angry, Bitter, Delusional, Desperate & Lonely Women who can't seem to heal. I feel this is so over done when HE is the producer & writer, he doesn't have any creativity when it comes to the movies he produces.This is my take on Acrimony & the "Angry Black Woman" Syndrome.I. Am. Sick. Of. It! I am also sipping on a new wine listen in to find out what wine has me feeling Grown & Sexy.& REMEMBER TO:Follow Me on IG @MyVoicePodcast & @Dara_Ayana Follow Me on Twitter @MyvoicePodcast Please SUBSCRIBE/RATE/SHARE & as always grab a glass and join the discussion.