Living Adaptive With Scott Davidson

Mindset towards Adapting - Tom Seaman



Mindset towards Adapting – Tom Seaman How important is your mindset to adapting to difficult challenges? In this episode I talk with someone that changed his mindset and he was able to then change his position in life for the better. Tom Seaman is an author who has published countless articles and a book focused on coping strategies and tools for dealing with physical and mental challenges of life, especially when dealing with chronic health conditions, relationship issues, depression, anxiety, and setbacks. Tom had to learn to navigate life with a painful neurological movement disorder (Dystonia) that left him broken and, at points, unable to physically move, to eventually adapting, healing, and developing a fulfilling life as a life coach, author, and speaker. Through research and experience (personal and professional) Tom learned strategies for battling back when the rock one is under seems too heavy to lift. The first half of the interview focuses on, Tom tells his story about how he couldn’t physically