Living Adaptive With Scott Davidson

009 Mike Santiago -  Wounded Warrior, Crossfit Athlete, Trainer, Adaptive Advocate, and PTSD Survivor



In this episode Army veteran Mike Santiago shares his life after becoming a wounded warrior. Mike lives with a spinal cord injury. He was shot while on active duty in 2002. He’s currently involved with the Wounded Warrior games, Team Blacksheep, Honor Thread, Crossfit competitions as a competitor and a trainer, amongst much more. Mike has adapted to a life with not only a spinal cord injury but also life with PTSD. Mike shares with us how he rode through the difficult periods of his life and how he became an adaptive athlete. Mike Santiago is really involved with Team Blacksheep. Team Blacksheep focuses on promoting awareness of nonprofit organizations and resources for military men and women. Team Blacksheep is bringing fitness opportunities and mental health support to our veterans. Mike and I talk a bit about Team Blacksheep and it’s parent Honor Thread. Honor Thread was started with the initiative to raise funds for a friends military charity event. Honor Thread is a small group of sons and daughters of v