Lit Literature

[EP.72] The Blood Mirror by Brent Weeks Part 1 (Lightbringer Series #4)



This episode we start our heavy discussion on the Blood Mirror, book 4 of the Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks. We discuss our thoughts on Ironfist and the possibility of him ending up a friend or foe,  Cruxer's dream, the Mighty's growth, Kip Guile becoming a general, Kip's newfound ability's and his battle against the Paryl and Chi storm. We wonder what rules the immortals are playing by as they help or hurt our characters, and who the heck the deadmen are in the colored cells. Is this really just will casting? Its clear Andross Guile knows even more than we could have ever imagined. We talk about all that and more! Fantasy and sci-fi literature book club discussion podcast often reading Brandon Sanderson and the Cosmere, Brent Weeks, Stephen King, Robert Jordan, and many more. Please enjoy, or at least laugh! Literature discussion done right! We, the Shoutouts, from Lyket Entertainment, have a book club discussion on our favorite fantasy and sci-fi literature with our choice wine, beer, ale, and rum.