Lit Literature

[EP.71] The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks Part 2 (Lightbringer Series #3)



This episode we begin the journey to finish all discussion on the Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks. This is our discussion on "The Broken Eye" part 2. We touch on Gavin's relationship with Karris and Marissia, General Corvan Danavis' relationship with the Third Eye, The White's fate, Kip and the cards (including the "Turtle Bear"), the great library, Karris White Oak's ascension, and Tremblefist's historic actions. We ask what could be up with black luxon, why hide stuff in heavy bags, should kip have gone for the gun or cloak, are there really 11 colors, and what the hell about Quentin? We finish with Kip and the Mighty escaping from the Chromeria. And let's not forget about the kiss. Tisis and Andrastea… dear goodness. This has been fun and finally, we get to release the Blood Mirror episodes next while we read The Burning White! This is going to be fun! Fantasy and sci-fi literature book club discussion podcast often reading Brandon Sanderson and the Cosmere, Brent Weeks, Stephen King, Robert Jordan, and