Early Edition With Joe Mathieu

GBH Early Edition Wednesday March 10th, 2021



Good Wednesday morning and thanks for waking up with Joe Mathieu and the GBH Morning Edition team. We begin this morning by catching you up on the latest, and let’s be honest… it’s all about the turning weather and the beautiful couple of days we’re in the midst of. But today on GBH Radio we’re breaking format and presenting ‘A Year Apart: How COVID Changed Us’ - a retrospective look at the past year living through a pandemic. So we went back a year in the Early Edition archives to hear how strange everything sounded one year ago as the pandemic unfolded and we all prepared to head home in what we thought at the time was a short-term quarantine. It’s amazing to hear how naive we all were at what was about to unfold. Stay tuned to GBH Radio all day for more, and thank you for waking up and sticking with us throughout this past year.