Building Abundant Success!!© With Sabrina-marie

Episode 2216: Armand Morin ~ Self-Made Multimillionaire, Internet Marketing Icon, Life Design Strategist



Self-Made Multimillionaire, Marketer,Life Design Strategist, author . He is one of the most well known Internet marketers in the world today. Having started online in 1996 with less than $2.00 to his name, his personal online businesses alone have generated over $ 200,000,000 in online revenue since then. This doesn’t include the millions of dollars his students have produced from his teachings. It’s not uncommon to see Armand share the stage with other world famous leaders like, Richard Branson, Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Alex Mandossian, Joe Polish, Jay Conrad Levinson, T. Harv Ecker, Les Brown, and many, many more.He is an internationally sought after speaker, trainer and creator. He has huge constituencies in the United States as well as Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Singapore, Ireland, Malasyia and Indonesia. Armand also ran the most prestigious and largest Internet Marketing seminar in the United States, which has trained more people on