Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

Episode 445-Stock Your Home Pantry To Avoid Food Shortages and Inflation



In today’s show, I delve into creating a deep pantry at home. Essentially insulating you from many issues that are coming to our lives; food shortages, food inflation, shortages of just about everything. This is an excerpt from a long article/tutorial from Food Storage Feast that discusses creating a deep pantry. So why all this emphasis on the home pantry? As you will see and read, the well-stocked home pantry is one of the easiest and least painful of all investments. It does not require brokers, investment accounts, bank transfers, downside risk, tax consequences or the loss of use of your capital.  If you look at the average American home pantry you will see a small closet in the kitchen with some white wire shelves with roughly 10 sq feet of shelf space. Hardly enough to store a week of food. This set-up is found in the majority of homes. how did this happen? What happened to the large walk-in pantries that our grandparents had? How did we slowly give away our ability to cook and eat for long periods fr