Restless Native

97: Previous Facebook Employee & Founder of Open Source Defense, Chuck Rossi



"The bottom line here, and this is what Open Source Defense focuses on, is we cannot be an unpopular minority. Take those two things together and look at history at unpopular minorities, and it's not pretty. Right now, hunters and shooters are becoming unpopular minorities."— Chuck RossiI don’t really think I know many people like today’s guest. He’s a bit of a unicorn among people I know. Honestly I imagine he’s kind of a unicorn in many of his own circles. Chuck Rossi is a firearms expert and shooter, who used to work at Facebook. Not only that, but he was in during the early days of Facebook, just four short years after it launched. this interviewIt’s crazy how social media has evolved since then. Mark Zuckerburg had no idea what he was creating with that platform. No one did, him or the investors who dumped millions in to make it happen. But last year, Facebook did about seventy billion dollars in revenue. While it’s a great entrepr