Restless Native

93: Forager Chef, Alan Bergo



"People have a preconceived notion about things. I prefer Foraging to 'Scavenging' but for some people that conjures an image of eating dirty things like road kill. You say you're a hunter, and it evokes an image of the 'manly man.' You're looking for a prize, or a trophy. That's what I'm doing. Hunting mushrooms is exciting."— Alan Bergo, Foraging ChefIn some ways, I might have called today’s guest a mad scientist. But he’s been very clear, he’s not at all a scientist. But I will stand by the fact that he’s odd. I have discussed cooking venison dozens of times on my show, but never have we talked about cooking venison breast—seriously. And never have we discussed the ins and outs of eating goat or leaching liver or whole carcass quite like this. And it’s truly marvelous, in its fantastical oddity. While we do cover all of that, we dive very deep into the surprising world of mushrooms. I have never talked to anyone about eating mushrooms and other wild finding